Becoming God’s Vessel

by | Sep 5, 2017 | God

A life transforming encounter indeed was my experience at the first annual Women Who Minister Conference held in Bushkill, Pennsylvania, October of 2015. All I can say is that I am extremely grateful for the Lord meeting me in the mountains along with my sisters as we each embraced our callings, cried tears of healing, wrestled with our purposes, and joyfully and worshipfully magnified our Abba Father. I will never be the same because I realized in that moment on my face in a pool of tears, with fear and trembling that I had entered into the presence of God that I had not experienced before. Something was being birthed out of me and I knew it.
Ever since the conference, I have watched how the Lord has given me even greater courage and boldness to declare His Gospel. I am looking forward to the work continuing in each of our lives, that our Faithful and Loving Creator has begun. What God has begun according to scripture shall be performed until the day of Jesus Christ.
This is my prayer: Lord make us vessels of honor fit for Your use, we want to be the Imago Dei, the Image of God that you spoke into existence long before the earth fashioned and formed us. This is your servant’s prayer, In Jesus Name, Amen.”