The Lord said if you have faith the size of a mustard seed that you can speak to mountains and they would be removed. When your faith is challenged you have to remember that Jesus instructs us to not only have a little faith but to also have the faith of God. How incredible that Jesus tells us to have little faith and great faith at the same time. What is the Master really saying to each of us? He is basically saying that whatever we are dealing with All It Takes Is Faith. Once you have faith, you have possibilities that can become realities. Jesus was not concerned with how much faith we actually have but that you have faith period! What is an area of your life that you know you need to have faith in but you keep doubting; you keep worrying; you keep trying to determine the outcome…God says have the faith of God meaning believe for what appears insurmountable and watch God work on your behalf. Faith takes courage; faith takes obedience; faith takes trust. Are you willing to exercise your faith to see God move? All It Takes Is Faith.